Trešdiena, 22. janvāris

Dr. Aija Lulle
Vecākā pētniece

Migrācija ir un saglabāsies 21. gadsimta lielākais izaicinājums


Aija Lulle. Ekspertīzes jomas

Migration is and will be the grand challenge of 21st century

King, R. and Lulle, A. (2016) Research on Migration: Facing realities and maximising opportunities. Brussels: European Commission (155 pp) Available, Open access:


Internationally leading expertise and research on youth mobilities and skills in Europe

Lulle, A., Janta, H. and Emilsson, H. (2019) Special Issue introduction: European youth migration, human capital outcomes, skills and competences, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Moroşanu, L. King, R., Lulle, A. and Pratsinakis, M.  (2019) ‘One improves here every day’: The occupational and learning journeys of ‘lower-skilled’ European migrants in the London region, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies


Lulle, A. and King, R. (2019) Youth mobility and wellbeing, Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 9(2): 151-159. Available, Open access:


Lulle, A. and Bankovska, A. (2019) Fateful wellbeing: childhood and youth transitions among Latvian women in Finland Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 9(2): 221-238. Available, Open access:


Lulle, A. Coakley, L. and MacÉinrí, P. (2019) Overcoming “Crisis”: Mobility Capabilities and “stretching” a Migrant Identity among Young Irish in London and Return Migrants, International Migration


Lulle, A., King, R., Dvorakova, V. and Szkudlarek, A. (2019) Between disruptions and connections: ‘new’ EU migrants before and after the Brexit in the UK, Population, Space and Place, 25 (1): DOI: 10.1002/psp.2200


Lulle, A., Moroşanu, L., and King, R. (2018) And then came Brexit: experiences and future plans of young EU migrants in the London region, Population, Space and Place 24 (1) DOI: 10.1002/psp.2122


Pioneering expertise in ageing, gender and migration

Lulle, A. (2020). Reversing retirement frontiers in the spaces of post-socialism: Active ageing through migration for work. Ageing and Society, 1-20. doi:10.1017/S0144686X20001518


Lulle, A. (2019) Ageing (im)mobilities: the lives of Latvian women who emigrated and those who stayed put, Gender, Place and Culture 25 (8): 1193-1208


Lulle, A. (2018) Relational ageing: on intra-gender and generational dynamism amongst ageing Latvian women, Area 50 (4): 452-458 DOI: 10.1111/area.12427


King, R. and Lulle, A. (2017) Grandmothers migrating, working and caring: Latvian women between survival and self-realisation, Population Horizons, 13(2): 1-11 Available, Open access:


King, R., Lulle, A., Sampaio, D., and Vullnetari, J. (2016) Unpacking the ageing–migration nexus and challenging the vulnerability trope, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 43(2): 1-22


Lulle, A. (2016) Meanings of independence and manifestations of neoliberal nationalism during the ‘Refugee Crisis’ in Central and Eastern Europe. Human Geography, 9(2): 89-100.


Lulle, A. and King, R. (2016) Ageing, gender and labour migration, New York: Palgrave Pivot (139 pp). Available:


Eastern Europe and ‘Eastern Europeans’: critique of labelling regions and people

Lulle, A. (2020) Cosmopolitan encounters: highly skilled Latvians in London problematise ethnicity and ‘Eastern Europeanness’, Journal of Intercultural Studies, 41(6), ISSN: 0725-6868.


Lulle, A. (2019) Balkans and Baltics: On Migration as a Factor of Regional Peripheralization, Journal of Balkan and Near East Studies 9(1): 27-42 https: 10.1080/19448953.2018.1532684


King, R., Lulle, A., Parutis, V., and Saar, M. (2018) From peripheral region to escalator region in Europe: young Baltic graduates in London, European Urban and Regional Studies, 25(3): 284-299 DOI: 10.1177/0969776417702690