Tuesday, 18. February

E10&UNSC: 12 Rules for Campaigning and Membership

This report focuses on a comparative analysis of six countries from the Baltics (Estonia and Lithuania), Northern Europe (Ireland, Norway […]

The UN Security Council in Deadlock (Again). The Ability of the UN to Respond to Russia’s War in Ukraine

Dr. Gunda Reire

On 24 February 2022, a permanent member of the United Nations (UN) Security Council committed a blatant act of aggression, […]

Aija Lulle. Fields of Expertise

Dr. Aija Lulle

Migration is and will be the grand challenge of 21st century King, R. and Lulle, A. (2016) Research on Migration: […]

26.01.22 ggr 2022 ,

The Role of International Institutions and the Rule of Law in Latvia’s Foreign Policy

Dr. Gunda Reire

Latvia is focusing on an externally stable and internally unified Euro-Atlantic space, characterized by a growing economy, a high level […]

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